Courage Integrity Assertiveness Confidence Restraint

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

9 year old girl shows the COURAGE of a giant

The Butterfly Girlz have been discussing COURAGE this week ...

I think we all hope that in a dangerous situation we would do the right thing, step up to the plate, put ourselves in harm's way to save someone, be the hero. Not that we would do it for the "hero" lable but that we would simply, by an innate inner force, be the life-saver because our soul said so.

For Anaiah Rucker, 9, it happened just like that last week. It was a normal school day. Her mom watched from the porch as she and her 5 year old sister, Camry, walked to the bus stop. It was a rainy morning and the girls stepped into the road to cross before the bus arrived.

That's when Anaiah looked up and saw a truck headed right for them. Without a though, she pushed Camry out of the way and took the almost fatal blow by the truck. The girls' mom ran to her daughter's side and she wasn't breathing. The bus pulled onto the scene and the busdriver that was not planning on saving a life that day, helped Anaiah's mom administer CPR that eventually brought Anaiah back.

Anaiah suffered a broken neck,two broken legs and lost a kidney and her spleen. Due to lack of blood flow one of her legs needed to be amputated.

When asked why she put her life on the line she said, "I thought she was too young. She's my sister. I love her."

Now THERE is some courage.

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